Personal Training

Josh's 6 Week Body Transformation

Josh's 6 Week Body Transformation
Sep 4, 2023
Personal Training

Josh's 6 Week Body Transformation




Founder & Director

Our personal trainers are challenged to lead by example. Josh made the decision to do a 6 week photoshoot and really dial in all the details to transform his body the best he can in a short timeframe following our systems.

Below are the before and afters

As you can see, there is quite a big difference in body composition.

When it comes to achieving results in a short timeframe it becomes a game of relentlessly ticking the right boxes. We dialled in Josh's strength training program to build lean muscle tissue and expected him to get stronger throughout the prep.

Nutrition was reviewed weekly and adjusted to hit body fat targets and other metrics we wanted to see. We have found working with a lot of body transformations over the years, shooting for a 1% body fat loss per week is a great marker to aim for when really trying to maximise your weekly fat loss progress.

Cardio was also added to help body fat loss and conditioning. Every week a proper physique analysis and progress review was conducted to make sure we were accountable towards achieving the goal.

A great example of what can possibly be achieved in 6 weeks with commitment.


At Mind Performance Health our personal training team is equipped to help you achieve the best health and fitness results possible. Some clients wish for a 'head turning' 6 pack transformation. Other clients want lifestyle improvements that include vitality, body fat loss, strength and confidence. Either way we are passionate to help you achieve your desired outcomes.


Our exclusive personal training studio is located at: 8/591 Withers Road, Rouse Hill NSW Australia.

Our services are both offered online or face to face at our personal training studio.

Eat For Performance. Train Hard.

Michael Pritchatt

Director & Founder of Mind Performance Health

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Client Results

About our client transformations and results.

Client results are produced by dedication executing our nutrition, workouts and lifestyle tasks to the best of their ability. We cannot eat, train or follow the plan for you. We can however provide you the steps that are tailored to you, bestow support and give you accountability as we are invested in your success.

Each client has their own unique results. Our goal is to maximise your genetic potential with our personal training service. We all have different genetics and starting points. Your result will be your own.

All clients you see on our website were committed to their results, worked hard, followed the plan consistently and made the decision to give their best effort over time to create the results you see.

The Ultimate Fat Loss & Body Composition eBook

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The Ultimate Fat Loss & Body Composition eBook

Nutrition & Training Strategies That Will Take Your Body Transformation To The Next Level!

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